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aircraft-manager for DELL mini 10v/9/12

  2009/08/25 19:53, 著者: , カテゴリ: Linux

There are updated ubuntu packages for DELL mini 10/10v/12/9. You can use this with improve 'airplane mode' to control switch of recharge of Battery.

In default, by entering airplane mode with aircraft-manager, you might be surprised that DELL mini don't charge battery anymore!

After you replace this package, you can easily understand behavior of aircraft-manager.

source and binary packages are followings:





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Wireless access in Japan

  08/21/09 13:27, by , Categories: Linux, Travel

Today I recieve a mail from Debian user who is about to come to Japan for business trip.
He plan to rent A2502 HSDPA wireless modem for connection.

> I saw your posting from 2008 about the A2502 and wonder if you know if
> that patch is now in the standard kernel (2.6.29-2-686, debian
> specifically:).
Yes, the patch is in the mainline kernel in Aug, 2008

> I am about to head to japan for 2 weeks of business
> travel and was looking at renting an A2502 but dont' want to if it won't
> work or if I need to get online to get patches.
I see it .

The 'Unlimited' data service need a preproetary stack software on the supported OS, Windows and Mac.
My patch support a lower layer, recognize as normal modem, but do not provide such a stack.
If you want to use 'unlimited data service', you are forced to use another OS rather than Debian Linux :-(

You may want to use Debian GNU/Linux with it, you may be charged 'EXPRESS PACKET PLAN' rate.

I recommend for you to use a wifi service such as FON, FON-livedoor, mobile point, and FREESPOT,
(cf. http://www.freespot.com/) in metropolitan area, on conbination with a data card.
Livedoor which is commercial wifi provider support FON user without charge in their service area.
A mobile-point wifi can be used by daily/2W/3M ID slip, 1000Yen/2W, sold in convenience stores, 'family mart'. http://tm.softbank.jp/wlan/famiport/index.html
It is provided on many public building and restaurant such as stations, subways and fast food shop.

git メモ

  2009/06/20 16:52, 著者: , カテゴリ: Mobile, Document
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SS2009 keynote

  2009/06/17 14:43, 著者: , カテゴリ: Mobile




ものづくり がよくいわれているが、こえれからは、ことづくり= サービスである。マーケティングでは、よく物語を売るという話をしている。



 個人を支援をわりと多く行う。 ではなくて、群ユーザ、人のかたまりを支援していく、ということが必要である。フルデマンドバスの例。航空管制でも、飛行機同士がマルチエージェントで処理すれば、おもしろいことができるはず。全体最適。



  • 情報処理の導入によって作業の効率化がすすむと、余暇に振り向けられるのではなく、よい生活のためではなく、労働強化になっていないか。経済原理に従うと自然な帰結であるが、そうではない生き方を考えていかないといけないとおもう。社会のデザインを根本的にやるべきである。
  • 利便性・安全性・プライバシーは両立しない:これをどうするか、考えたい。

B2evolution and i18n

  2009/06/10 00:41, 著者: , カテゴリ: OSS

I love b2evolution unless it have weakness on handling character encoding on non-latin environment.
It should handle internal code rather carefully than current implementation.

Last.fm on Symbian

  2009/06/10 00:38, 著者: , カテゴリ: Symbian

I found I can enjoy Last.fm on Symbian/Nokia smart phones.
I have E61 and I wanna try mobbler on my E61, that is on S60 3rd.

The mobbler seems to be I18n-ed and translated to many languages.
I will be contribute to translate it.

Kernel panic with ubuntu 8.04 on Dell Insprion mini 12

  2009/01/01 23:01, 著者: , カテゴリ: Linux

When trying to use cell phone modem through bluetooth connection, I got kernel panic.
It can be reproducible by "hcitool info <bdaddr>" which see nokia cell phone.

I cannot find a cause now, but similar problem have already reported on
linux-kernel-list: Kernel oops with bluetooth usb dongle .

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