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unknown agent 'PHP/proxy-upk 1.0.0' and smartfilter category

  09/06/06 21:50, by , Categories: Blogging

I have recieved report my friend cannot access my blog from high school, because this server IP address have been registerd in smartfilter, a content filter, as 'Nudity'. He is a high school teacher. He knows me and my blog well, so he wonders why categorize Nudity.

I don't know why. This site hosts several domains where are owned by my friends. For sharing, we have promised the rule such as no-commercial, no-nudity and no-violence.

I tryed to see some images that we host, which found by using 'locate jpg' command. But could not find anything like nudity.

Next, I afraid that someone intrused our server and put some nudity file! So I searched our IP address but not found anything without this blog, a notepet , said that is a dedicated Linux server with a couple of hosted sites (maison.kyo-ko.org, blogs.da-cha.jp and www.da-cha.jp) all run by Momokuri, a Japanese Developer devoted to Open Source and Linux.

Ouch, this 'momokuri' is me! We host not only my own domains also other domains that are almost 100 domains. That is reason, I don't know such a agent name. I am user belongs to wheel group who can have root previledge.

OK, I want to know who are try to access using php-proxy-upk site-checker. Of course, I've also requested to smartfilter site to remove our IP address.

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